Experiment with Pop Rock Reactions
Programs > Databases: Kids
Uploaded: March 18, 2020, 10:08 a.m.
Database How To
Use the general link: https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A601325170/ITKE?u=mlin_b_massblc&sid=ITKE&xid=7fc09e61
Customize the link with your library's information. It’s super easy and clicks to the url will be included in your local statistics.
1. Find your local identifier: https://mblc.state.ma.us/resource-sharing/databases/index.php
2. Replace 'mlin_b_massblc' with your local identifier: For example: Woburn Public Library's would be 'wob'
The final link is:
Please note: this campaign is based on the work of Kathleen Kenny, Nevins Memorial Library and Elizabeth Safford, Boxford Town Library who participated in the MLS’ IDEAL Program.